In order to activate the library you need to:
- purchase it at this address:
- after the activation code has arrived you need to invoke
the "ActivateLibrary" method from the clsCommonWrapper class before any
other thing.
We suggest you to call it in the sub
Main() or in the Form_Initialize
event of the first form of your application.
We suggest you also to maintain an Instance of the "clsCommonWrapper"
always active or you may experience problems after the activation;
randomly, when the program exits from the "Sub Main()" and there are no
references to the HexUniControls.ocx library (no controls or classes
loaded in memory), VB6 unloads the entire .ocx library so you may lose
the Activation flag (see the correct activation method below):
Example (modMain.bas):
public moWrap As clsCommonWrapper
Sub Main()
Set moWrap = New clsCommonWrapper
Call moWrap.ActivateLibrary("xxx YourCodeHere xxx")
End Sub
public moWrap As New
Sub Main()
Call moWrap.ActivateLibrary("xxx YourCodeHere xxx")
End Sub
The code below is WRONG!!! Sometimes the Activation flag is lost when
the program exits from the Main procedure
Sub Main()
Dim oWrap As New clsCommonWrapper
Call oWrap.ActivateLibrary("xxx YourCodeHere xxx")
End Sub