Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniTextBoxXP Control

Unicode textbox, supports IME input and more than 32000 chars, about 2 Giga Bytes ;-)
Check common properties here

Name Description
eUniTextbox_Alignment Textbox alignment constants
eUniTextbox_ScrollBars Scrollbar constants
Name Description
Change Occurs when the text changes, raised only if the property [RaiseChangeEvent] is True
KeyDown The KeyAscii or KeyCode parameter can have negative values (because of Unicode).
You can manage the KeyAscii / KeyCode value simply by using the [clsCommonWrapper.ChrW] or [clsCommonWrapper.AscW] methods.
It is also possible to obtain the real Unsigned Integer (in a VB6 long) from the negative value simply by converting the KeyAscii / KeyCode value to a Long using the [clsCommonWrapper.MakeDWord] (KeyAscii, 0) method.
KeyPress The KeyAscii or KeyCode parameter can have negative values (because of Unicode).
You can manage the KeyAscii / KeyCode value simply by using the [clsCommonWrapper.ChrW] or [clsCommonWrapper.AscW] methods.
It is also possible to obtain the real Unsigned Integer (in a VB6 long) from the negative value simply by converting the KeyAscii / KeyCode value to a Long using the [clsCommonWrapper.MakeDWord] (KeyAscii, 0) method.
KeyUp The KeyAscii or KeyCode parameter can have negative values (because of Unicode).
You can manage the KeyAscii / KeyCode value simply by using the [clsCommonWrapper.ChrW] or [clsCommonWrapper.AscW] methods.
It is also possible to obtain the real Unsigned Integer (in a VB6 long) from the negative value simply by converting the KeyAscii / KeyCode value to a Long using the [clsCommonWrapper.MakeDWord] (KeyAscii, 0) method.
MouseWheel Raised when the mouse wheel scrolls
IMEComposition Raised when the user confirms a string in the IME editor, check here for details
Name Type Description
Alignment (eUniTextbox_Alignment) Gets or sets the alignment for the entire text
BackColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Background color of the control
BackColorOut (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Color of the area out of the border (when using Rounded Borders in a non WindowLess control)
Leave -1& for automatic management
BorderColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the Border color
CurrentLine (Long) Gets or sets the current line
EnableContextMenu (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to enable or disable the context menu (when someone right clicks on the control)
Enabled (Boolean) Enables or disables the control
Font (Font) Gets or sets the font used for text in the control, check the [ApplyFontChanges] for details
ForeColor (OLE_COLOR) Gets or sets the text color
HideSelection (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to maintain the text selection visible also when the control has no focus (set HideSelection = False)
LeftMargin (Long) Gets or sets the left margin between text and the control border (in pixels)
Locked (Boolean) Returns or sets a value indicating whether the content of the control can be modified
ManualStart (Boolean) Permits you to activate the control Manually when you incorporate this control into a your custom usercontrol
In order to start the control check the [ExternalInitControl] function
maxLength (Long) Gets or sets the maximum number of chars that the control can contain
MouseIcon (Picture) Gets or sets the MouseIcon for the control
MousePointer (VBRUN.MousePointerConstants) Gets or sets the MousePointer for the control
MultiLine (Boolean) Gets or sets the multiline editing for the control
OLEDragMode (eCtlOLEDragMode) Gets or sets the OleDragMode for the control
OLEDropMode (eCtlOLEDropMode) Gets or sets the OleDropMode for the control
OnlyBottomBorder (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to use only a bottom line for the border
PasswordChar (String) Gets or sets the password char (the char used to display charachers when the control is used for inserting a password)
RaiseChangeEvent (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability for the control to raise che Change event when the Text changes, True for default
RightMargin (Long) Gets or sets the right margin between text and the control border (in pixels)
RightToLeft (Boolean) Gets or sets the bidirectional input on the entire control
RoundedBorders (Boolean) Gets or sets Rounded borders
ScrollBars (eUniTextbox_ScrollBars) Gets or sets the type of scrollbars used in the control
SelLength (Long) Gets or sets the length of the selected text
SelStart (Long) Returns or sets the starting point of the selected text; indicates the insertion point if no text is selected (RUNTIME)
SelText (String) Gets or sets the selected text
Text (String) Gets or sets the content of the control
Tip (String) Gets or sets the Unicode Tooltip for the control
TrapTabKey (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability for the control to catch Tab keys
UseRoundRegions (Boolean) Gets or sets the ability to use Round Regions for round borders instead of using the [BackColorOut] property;
Name Type Description
ApplyFontChanges When setting a new font on the control you need to call this function in order to refresh the interface
ExternalInitControl Some controls contained into this package may have bad iterations when used into Usercontrols.
This because VB6 cannot detect, in some cases, that the usercontrol is in Design or User mode so the control may appear running at design time (so you cannot move it in many cases).

Controls that may have problems are: ctlUniTextBoxXP, ctlUniRichTextBoxXP, ctlUniListBoxXP, ctlUniListBoxExXP, ctlUniComboBoxXP

Check this function for a solution sample
GetCharFromPos (Long) Returns the character pointed by given (mouse) coordinates
hWnd (Long) Retuns the handle associated with the control
IsInIME (Boolean) You can use this property for knowing if the KeyPress, KeyDown and KeyUp events have been raised by the active IME window associated to your control.
IsStarted (Boolean) Returns True if the control has been started (a textbox handle has been created)
MouseIsOverSelection (Boolean) Verifies if the mouse is hovering a selected area of text into the control
OLEDrag Starts an OLEDrag operation
ScrollCaret Scrolls the caret into view in an edit control
z_SetComboBoxHandle Reserved, don't use