Unicode Controls & Classes for VB6 - Version 4

ctlUniListView.HitTest Function

Returns a reference to the ListItem object or Node object located at the coordinates of x and y. Used with drag and drop operations.

Public Function HitTest (ByVal x As Single, _
ByVal y As Single, _
Optional ByVal bFromDragEvent As Boolean = False) As clsUniLV_ListItem
Parameter Description
ByVal x As Single The x coordinate to check, in Pixels or Twips if you are in a VB6 Drag event
ByVal y As Single The y coordinate to check, in Pixels or Twips if you are in a VB6 Drag event
Optional ByVal bFromDragEvent As Boolean = False True if you are calling this function from the a VB6 Drag events, in this case the control converts Twips always used by VB6 to pixels